Add User Authentication to Quasar with AWS Cognito in 5 Simple Steps

Add User Authentication to Quasar with AWS Cognito in 5 Simple Steps


2 min read

User authentication doesn't have to be the most difficult part of a new project. Make it easy by using Quasar and AWS Cognito.


What is Quasar?

Quasar is a front-end framework built on top of VueJS that allows you to deploy:

  • SPAs (Single Page App)
  • SSR (Server-side Rendered App) (+ optional PWA client takeover)
  • PWAs (Progressive Web App)
  • BEX (Browser Extension)
  • Mobile Apps (Android, iOS, …) through Cordova or Capacitor
  • Multi-platform Desktop Apps (using Electron)

Find out more at: Why Quasar

What is Cognito?

AWS Cognito is a cloud based user store developed by Amazon.

Find out more from Amazon at: What is Amazon Cognito?


  1. Create a Cognito User Pool
  2. Install Quasar and create a new project
  3. Initialize Authentication and Secure the Vue Router
  4. Create a Sign up page -- Coming Soon!
  5. Create a Sign in page and a sign out button -- Coming Soon!

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